Fortune 500 Software Company Streamlines Deep Link Management at Scale




Increased link creation


Improved data cleanliness

In today’s fast-evolving digital landscape, optimizing the potential of deep links is crucial for organizations seeking to enhance user engagement and foster growth. However, managing deep links at scale can be a complex and time-consuming endeavor. This top-10 software company overcame these challenges by deploying Link Templates within Branch’s enterprise link management solution, LinkHub.


This leading software company confronted a pivotal challenge: how to efficiently manage deep link parameters across all of its apps and campaigns. More specifically, it needed to align feature and channel sources for analytics tags. Although it had established a set of approved parameters to ensure accurate assignment for each campaign, it struggled to consistently enforce the parameters across its extensive app portfolio and diversified teams. As a result, link parameters were often misassigned or left blank. This made it difficult to identify noncompliant links and maintain the data integrity of its analytics.


To tackle these challenges head on, the software giant turned to Branch’s LinkHub to revolutionize its link governance processes with Link Templates. Link Templates ensures links are created in a standardized way by presenting a structured approach to consistently enforce feature and channel analytics parameters across all apps and campaigns. 

Screenshot of the Branch Advanced Platform. "Analytics Tags" view is shown with fields to add analytics tags that can be used to filter and compare the performance of various links.

Here’s how they played a pivotal role:

  • Streamlined workflows and reduced manual effort: Link Templates allowed this enterprise customer to standardize parameters, facilitating seamless data comparison across apps and significantly reducing the need for manual work.
  • Elevated data quality: The implementation of Link Templates yielded cleaner data, instilling a heightened level of confidence in the accuracy of information ingested into the company’s analytics platform. This bolstered data quality and empowered analysts to make well-informed decisions.
  • Enhanced collaboration: Link Templates acted as a catalyst for improved collaboration between various teams within the organization. Teams gained deeper insights, leading to more informed inquiries and ultimately, improved decision-making.
  • Improved effectiveness of training: The introduction of Link Templates was met with open arms by team members who readily embraced the upgraded solution. Comprehensive training enhanced their understanding of approved processes and parameter assignments.


The adoption of Link Templates within LinkHub delivered impressive outcomes for the company, including:

  • Increased link creation: The number of links created surged significantly, signaling a newfound efficiency in the link creation process.
  • Accurate attribution: The industry leader now has confidence that marketing campaigns get the recognition they deserve thanks to improved tagging quality and greater attribution coverage.
  • Data-driven decisions: Armed with a firm grip on which marketing campaigns were driving growth, analysts can now conduct experiments and make data-driven decisions with precision.

By implementing LinkHub, the company not only effectively tackled its link management governance challenges, but also unlocked the full potential of deep links within its organization. These results highlight the significant value of LinkHub in streamlining link management at scale, reducing costs, and enhancing data integrity.

After reviewing the data, I have a higher level of confidence in its cleanliness. Additionally, we have observed a notable increase in the number of quick links being created.”

Program Manager
Leading software company

Ready to manage deep links at scale?